- Two teachers in every classroom to provide individual and small-group instruction to meet the needs of every BxC student
- A part-time counselor to address the social and emotional needs of BxC students and work closely with families and staff as well
- Hundreds of books for each classroom, so that children can enjoy a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction, follow their interests, investigate their questions, and further their love of literature
Grants: BxC has been awarded a $50,000 grant from the New York State Stimulus Fund and three grants totaling $90,000 from the New York City Center for Charter School Excellence. This money has served BxC in hiring Director of Finance Kathleen Elie and Operations Manager Roxane Brogan to set up crucial systems before teachers and students arrive, to develop a technology infrastructure, and to fund a two-week Summer Institute for all staff to prepare for the opening of school.
BxC has also received a grant from Partnerships for Parks to create an innovative program where students will learn how to care for street trees and tend the trees near the school. Students will then work to train their families by caring for trees on their own home block. This grant provides BxC with educational and technical assistance and money to purchase Street Tree Care Kits for BxC families so that they can become caretakers of the trees on the blocks where they live. This grant will help BxC fulfill its mission of helping to empower students and their families to effect positive changes in the Bronx.